Migrating your mods from the traditional

As Geode is currently incompatible with traditional mods, migration of old mods is a must in order to use them with Geode. This page shows how to do just that.

Migrating from gd.h and cocos-headers

This one may be one of the most tedious parts. First of all, all of the GD classes are removed from the gd namespace. And since older gd.h’s use the m_tVariable convention with t being the type identifier, all of those variables will give errors when given Geode’s m_variable convention. Let’s see an example of this.

Here is a code snippet from HJFod’s BetterEdit v4:

CCPoint getShowButtonPosition(EditorUI* self) {
    auto winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
    auto ratio = winSize.width / winSize.height;

    if (ratio > 1.5f)
        return {
            self->m_pTrashBtn->getPositionX() + 50.0f,
    return {
        self->m_pPlaybackBtn->getPositionX() + 45.0f,

This code uses the m_pTrashBtn and the m_pPlaybackBtn members from EditorUI, a class from gd.h. These members correspond to m_trashBtn and m_playbackBtn in Geode respectively. It is not the best way to do it, but one can use regex m_(?:ob|[a-z])([A-Z]) to find most of the variables that use the old convention.

Cocos-headers don’t need any extra work, since the cocos headers in Geode are based on that repository with changes needed for the Geode codebase.

Migrating the hooks

Bare Minhook

This is the most common used method. Minhook hooks have a static function pointer in which the trampoline is stored (often prefixed with _O) and the hook itself (often prefixed with _H). Calling the original is done by calling the trampoline stored in the function pointer.

The Minhook is first initialized with MH_Initialize, then hooks are added with MH_CreateHook with parameters address, the address of the hook function, and the address of the static function pointer, then MH_EnableHook is called to enable the hooks themselves.

bool (__thiscall* MenuLayer_init_O)(gd::MenuLayer* self);
bool __fastcall MenuLayer_init_H(gd::MenuLayer* self, void*) {
    if (!MenuLayer_init_O(self)) return false;
    return true;
// ...
MH_CreateHook((void*)base + 0x1907b0, (void*)&MenuLayer_init_H, (void**)&MenuLayer_init_O);

MAT dash

This is also used by some people, mainly by newer traditional modders. Compared to other methods, MAT dash uses the return type of the hook to infer the calling convention (example: matdash::cc::thiscall<void>) unless it’s membercall, a GD specific calling convention, which needs to be removed for migration. The original is called using matdash::orig with a template parameter of a reference to the hook, the parameters are the same with the hook itself.

MAT dash hooks are added with matdash::add_hook with a template parameter of a reference to the hook function and a parameter of the address.

bool MenuLayer_init(gd::MenuLayer* self) {
    if (!matdash::orig<&MenuLayer_init>(self)) return false;
    return true;
// ...
matdash::add_hook<&MenuLayer_init>(base + 0x1907b0)


No one will need this section but I’m adding it for the completeness sake. GDMake uses the GDMAKE_HOOK with the address and the symbol parameter to hook a specific function and GDMAKE_ORIG keyword to call the original function.

GDMAKE_HOOK(0x1907b0, "_ZN9MenuLayer4initEv")
bool __fastcall MenuLayer_init(gd::MenuLayer* self, void* edx) {
    if (!GDMAKE_ORIG(self, edx)) return false;
    return true;


Since all of these hooks are static functions, a self parameter and a parameter for clobbing the edx register is added (except MAT dash) to match the calling convention for member functions. These parameters need to be removed when moving the hook inside a modify class. Likewise, all uses of self-> need to be either removed or replaced with this->.

Otherwise, all of the hooks can be replaced by a Modify class and the original calls can be replaced with a call the OriginalClass::function inside the modify hook with the needed parameters.

class $modify(MenuLayer) {
    bool init() {
        if (!MenuLayer::init()) return false;
        return true;


Patches are pretty easy to migrate. Geode has a Mod::patch function that takes in a byte vector and an address, which can be used for mod specific patches.


Some function signatures in gd.h are wrong: wrong as in they work for Windows, but not for any other platform. Geode uses the Android binary symbols to infer the function signatures, so the wrong function calls relating to this issue need to be fixed while migrating from gd.h.


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