Setting up the SDK

To install the SDK we will be using the CLI installed on the previous step.

To download the sdk, you can simply run the command:

geode sdk install

This should set the GEODE_SDK enviroment variable, which can you test after reopening your terminal:

# on windows
echo %GEODE_SDK%

# elsewhere

If that command prints out the path you installed the SDK to, then it has worked correctly.

To develop mods, you should also download the prebuilt binaries for Geode, which you can do by running this command:

geode sdk install-binaries


You will need to manually update your local SDK every once in a while, which you do by running this command:

geode sdk update

Every time you update the SDK, you should update its prebuilt binaries too.

geode sdk install-binaries

You can also switch to the nightly version, which uses the latest commit.

geode sdk update nightly

Or to go back to stable:

geode sdk update stable