Geode CLI

The Geode SDK has its own command line utility program to aid in many tasks involved in mod, such as asset packing, font generation, managing the SDK, etc.




You can use scoop to easily install the cli by doing:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install geode-sdk-cli

In the future you can easily update the cli by doing:

scoop update geode-sdk-cli

If you don’t have scoop, you can follow the installation instructions on their page:


We are also on winget, so to install the cli you can do:

winget install GeodeSDK.GeodeCLI

In the future you can easily update the cli by doing:

winget upgrade GeodeSDK.GeodeCLI

(Not Recommended :c) Otherwise, you can manually install it by:

  1. Download the latest windows release over at GitHub
  2. Extract the geode.exe into some folder on your computer
  3. Select the CLI executable in File Explorer, Shift + Right-Click it and select Copy as Path
  4. Search Edit the system environment variables on Windows search. Alternatively, you can open up Control Panel and search for it, then select Edit the system environment variables or to skip straight to step 6 select Edit environment variables for your account.
  5. Click Environment Variables...
  6. In the top User variables section, select the Path variable and click Edit
  7. Now click New and paste the path of the CLI executable you copied at Step 1. Remove the \geode.exe from the end; the path has to point to the directory with Geode CLI, not the CLI itself.
  8. Click OK to close the environment variable windows.

After either way of installing it, you should now be able to run geode --version in your cmd and see a version number!

It is recommended that you set up a profile now.


You can easily install the CLI via brew

brew install geode-sdk/geode/geode-cli

It is recommended that you set up a profile now.


We provide prebuilt linux binaries in the CLI releases page, which you can find here:

Since this is different per distro, you must figure out how to add this binary to your path for CMake to find it.

Once you figure that out, it is recommended that you set up a profile now.

Profile Setup

A profile is just an instance of Geometry Dash. It’s a good idea to set up one up for CLI so your mods can be automatically installed post build.

To setup a new profile, simply run the geode config setup command on your terminal.