A node for controlling spacing in Layouts. When a Layout is applied, if space is left over, the remaining space is divided among all SpacerNodes in the Layout. The space each node gets is the proprotion between its growth factor and the sum of all the SpacerNodes’ growth factors in the Layout
Class SpacerNode
#include <Geode/ui/SpacerNode.hpp>
classSpacerNode:publiccocos2d::CCNode{ ... }
ℹ If you want to specify a minimum width for a SpacerNode, add AxisLayoutOptions for it and use setLength
// Total SpacerNode growth sum is 1 + 2 + 1 = 4
// So s1 and s3 get 1/4 of the remaining space and s2 gets 2/4
Public static methods1
Create a new spacer node. When the layout is applied, if there is space left over the remaining space is distributed among all spacer nodes in proportion to the sum of all the spacers’ grow factors (akin to CSS flew grow)
The grow factor for this node. Default is 1
Public member functions2
Set the grow factor for this spacer node. When the layout is applied, if there is space left over the remaining space is distributed among all spacer nodes in proportion to the sum of all the spacers’ grow factors (akin to CSS flew grow)
The new grow factor for this node. Default is 1
ℹ Make sure to call updateLayout on the spacer's parent afterwards
Get the grow factor for this spacer node
Protected fields1
No description provided