Layouts automatically handle the positioning of nodes. Use CCNode::setLayout to apply a layout to a node, and then use CCNode::updateLayout to apply the layout’s positioning. Geode comes with a few default layouts like RowLayout, ColumnLayout, and GridLayout, but if you need a different kind of layout you can inherit from the Layout class.
Getting Started
Modding Tutorials
ButtonsCreating PopupsEventsFieldsGD Modding DictionaryGeode UtilsGetting nodesHook PriorityHooking / Modifying classesLayoutsLoggingMaking web requestsManual HooksMemory ManagementMigrating from Geode v3.x to v4.0Migrating your mods from the traditionalModifying Geode UIPointer CastingPositioningTasksTouch Priority
Geode Mods
An Introduction to GD Modding (using Geode)