Sets the pvr.ccz encryption key parts separately for added security.
Example: If the key used to encrypt the pvr.ccz file is 0xaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbccccccccdddddddd you will call this function 4 different times, preferably from 4 different source files, as follows
ZipUtils::ccSetPvrEncryptionKeyPart(0, 0xaaaaaaaa); ZipUtils::ccSetPvrEncryptionKeyPart(1, 0xbbbbbbbb); ZipUtils::ccSetPvrEncryptionKeyPart(2, 0xcccccccc); ZipUtils::ccSetPvrEncryptionKeyPart(3, 0xdddddddd);
Splitting the key into 4 parts and calling the function from 4 different source files increases the difficulty to reverse engineer the encryption key. Be aware that encrpytion is never 100% secure and the key code can be cracked by knowledgable persons.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to call ccSetPvrEncryptionKey or ccSetPvrEncryptionKeyPart with all of the key parts before loading the spritesheet or decryption will fail and the spritesheet will fail to load.