A transition which peels back the bottom right hand corner of a scene to transition to the scene beneath it simulating a page turn. This uses a 3DAction so it’s strongly recommended that depth buffering is turned on in CCDirector using: CCDirector::sharedDirector()->setDepthBufferFormat(kDepthBuffer16);
Getting Started
Modding Tutorials
ButtonsCreating PopupsEventsFieldsGD Modding DictionaryGeode UtilsGetting nodesHook PriorityHooking / Modifying classesLayoutsLoggingMaking web requestsManual HooksMemory ManagementMigrating from Geode v3.x to v4.0Migrating your mods from the traditionalModifying Geode UIPointer CastingPositioningTasksTouch Priority
Geode Mods
An Introduction to GD Modding (using Geode)