CCTileMapAtlas is a subclass of CCAtlasNode. It knows how to render a map based of tiles. The tiles must be in a .PNG format while the map must be a .TGA file. For more information regarding the format, please see this post: All features from CCAtlasNode are valid in CCTileMapAtlas IMPORTANT: This class is deprecated. It is maintained for compatibility reasons only. You SHOULD not use this class. Instead, use the newer TMX file format: CCTMXTiledMap
Getting Started
Modding Tutorials
ButtonsCreating PopupsEventsFieldsGD Modding DictionaryGeode UtilsGetting nodesHook PriorityHooking / Modifying classesLayoutsLoggingMaking web requestsManual HooksMemory ManagementMigrating from Geode v3.x to v4.0Migrating your mods from the traditionalModifying Geode UIPointer CastingPositioningTasksTouch Priority
Geode Mods
An Introduction to GD Modding (using Geode)