CCNode objects that uses a CCTexture2D to render the images. The texture can have a blending function. If the texture has alpha premultiplied the default blending function is: src=GL_ONE dst= GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA else src=GL_SRC_ALPHA dst= GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA But you can change the blending function at any time.
Class CCTextureProtocol
#include <Geode/cocos/include/CCProtocols.h>
classCCTextureProtocol:publiccocos2d::CCBlendProtocol{ ... }
Public static methods0
Public member functions2
Returns the currently used texture
The texture that is currenlty being used.
Sets a new texuture. It will be retained.
A valid CCTexture2D object, which will be applied to this sprite object.