An abstract class for “label” CCMenuItemLabel items Any CCNode that supports the CCLabelProtocol protocol can be added. Supported nodes:
- CCBitmapFontAtlas
- CCLabelAtlas
- CCLabelTTF
#include <Geode/cocos/menu_nodes/CCMenuItem.h>
An abstract class for “label” CCMenuItemLabel items Any CCNode that supports the CCLabelProtocol protocol can be added. Supported nodes:
creates a CCMenuItemLabel with a Label, target and selector
creates a CCMenuItemLabel with a Label. Target and selector will be nil
the color that will be used to disable the item
the color that will be used to disable the item
Label that is rendered. It can be any CCNode that implements the CCLabelProtocol
Label that is rendered. It can be any CCNode that implements the CCLabelProtocol
initializes a CCMenuItemLabel with a Label, target and selector
sets a new string to the inner label
the color that will be used to disable the item
Label that is rendered. It can be any CCNode that implements the CCLabelProtocol