A CCMenu
Features and Limitation:
- You can add MenuItem objects in runtime using addChild:
- But the only accepted children are MenuItem objects
#include <Geode/cocos/menu_nodes/CCMenu.h>
A CCMenu
Features and Limitation:
creates an empty CCMenu
creates a CCMenu with CCMenuItem objects
creates a CCMenu with a CCArray of CCMenuItem objects
creates a CCMenu with it’s item, then use addChild() to add other items. It is used for script, it can’t init with undetermined number of variables.
creates a CCMenu with CCMenuItem objects
initializes an empty CCMenu
initializes a CCMenu with a NSArray of CCMenuItem objects
align items vertically
align items horizontally
align items in rows of columns
when this function bound to js,the input params are changed
js:var alignItemsInColumns(...)
align items in columns of rows
when this function bound to js,the input params are changed
js:var alignItemsInRows(...)
set event handler priority. By default it is: kCCMenuTouchPriority
For phone event handle functions
whether or not the menu will receive events