CCLayerColor is a subclass of CCLayer that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. All features from CCLayer are valid, plus the following new features:
- opacity
- RGB colors
#include <Geode/cocos/layers_scenes_transitions_nodes/CCLayer.h>
CCLayerColor is a subclass of CCLayer that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. All features from CCLayer are valid, plus the following new features:
creates a CCLayer with color, width and height in Points
creates a CCLayer with color. Width and height are the window size.
initializes a CCLayer with color, width and height in Points
initializes a CCLayer with color. Width and height are the window size.
BlendFunction. Conforms to CCBlendProtocol protocol
BlendFunction. Conforms to CCBlendProtocol protocol
BlendFunction. Conforms to CCBlendProtocol protocol
BlendFunction. Conforms to CCBlendProtocol protocol