CCLabelBMFont is a subclass of CCSpriteBatchNode. Features:
- Treats each character like a CCSprite. This means that each individual character can be:
- rotated
- scaled
- translated
- tinted
- change the opacity
- It can be used as part of a menu item.
- anchorPoint can be used to align the “label”
- Supports AngelCode text format Limitations:
- All inner characters are using an anchorPoint of (0.5f, 0.5f) and it is not recommend to change it because it might affect the rendering CCLabelBMFont implements the protocol CCLabelProtocol, like CCLabel and CCLabelAtlas. CCLabelBMFont has the flexibility of CCLabel, the speed of CCLabelAtlas and all the features of CCSprite. If in doubt, use CCLabelBMFont instead of CCLabelAtlas / CCLabel. Supported editors: (Commercial, Mac OS X) (Free, Java) (Free, Java) (Free, Windows only)