Singleton that manages the Animations. It saves in a cache the animations. You should use this class if you want to save your animations in a cache. Before v0.99.5, the recommend way was to save them on the CCSprite. Since v0.99.5, you should use this class instead.
Getting Started
Modding Tutorials
ButtonsCreating PopupsEventsFieldsGD Modding DictionaryGeode UtilsGetting nodesHook PriorityHooking / Modifying classesLayoutsLoggingMaking web requestsManual HooksMemory ManagementMigrating from Geode v3.x to v4.0Migrating your mods from the traditionalModifying Geode UIPointer CastingPositioningTasksTouch Priority
Geode Mods
An Introduction to GD Modding (using Geode)